Informasi Umum
Dr. Warsito adalah salah satu dari “50 Tokoh” Revolusi Kaum Muda (Gatra, Edisi Khusus 2003), “10 yang Mengubah Indonesia” versi majalah Tempo (Edisi Khusus Akhir Tahun 2006) dan juga terpilih menjadi salah satu dari “100 Tokoh Kebangkitan Indonesia” Versi Majalah Gatra (Mei 2008).
Di dunia akademisi Internasional, Dr. Warsito dikenal sebagai pioneer dalam teknologi tomografi, yaitu teknologi untuk memindai berbagai macam objek dari tubuh manusia, proses kimia, industri perminyakan, reactor nuklir hinga perut bumi. Penemuannya yang paling spektakuler adalah tomografi volumetric 4D yang dipatenkan di Amerika dan lembaga paten internasional PTO/WO tahun 2006. Teknologi temuannya telah digunakan oleh NASA (Lembaga Antarikas Amerika Serikat) untuk memindai obyek dielektrika pada pesawat ulang-alik selama misi ke antariksa. Menurut jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh American Chemistry Society, teknologi temuan Dr. Warsito diperkirakan akan mengubah drastis perkembangan riset dan teknologi berbagai bidang dari energi, proses kimia , kedokteran hingga nano teknologi.
Saat ini Dr. Warsito telah membangun pusat riset dan produksi system tomografi 4D yang pertama didunia yang berpusat di Tangerang, banten. Produk institusinya 100% diproduksi didalam negeri dengan melibatkan ilmuwan lokal dan telah mulai di pasarkan di Amerika Serikat (Baca “Produk Tangerang di Ohio, Koran Tempo, Oktober 2008)
Di bidang keorganisasian, Warsito adalah salah satu pendiri dan ketua umum Masyarakat Ilmuwan dan Teknologi Indonesia (MITI). Selama menjabat sebagai ketua umum MITI sejak tahun 2005, Dr. Warsito telah membangun jaringan MITI diseluruh Indonesia dan luar negeri terutama MITI-Mahasiswa di kurang lebih 50 kampus di 26 Propinsi di seluruh Indonesia. Program utama yang dilancarkan MITI adalah meningkatkan kualitas akademis dan kemampuan riset mahasiswa Indonesia, serta membantu pengembangan SDM mahasiswa Indonesia.
Dr. Warsito juga aktif sebagai anggota Majelis Pertimbangan Pusat (MPP) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera di Komisi Kebijakan Publik yang salah satunya bertanggung jawab langsung dalam merancang dan menyusun Platform Pembangunan PKS Bidang Perekonomian. Ekonomi adalah bidang kedua yang digelutinya sejak tahun 1994 secara otodidak.
1. SMAN 1 Karanganyar, Solo 1986
2. Tokyo International Japanese School, Tokyo 1988
3. Shizouka University, B. Eng, Chemical Engineering, 1992
4. Shizouka University, M.Eng, 1994
5. Shizouka University, Ph.D Electronic Science and Technology
Pengalaman Kerja
1. Researcher, Satellite Venture Businee Laboratory Shizouka University, (1997-1999)
2. Lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering, Shizouka University, Japan (1997-1999)
3. Research Associate, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University, USA (1999-2006)
4. Dosen Pascasarjana, MIPA-FISIKA UI, Jakarta (2005-Sekarang)
5. Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Chemical Engineering (2005-Sekarang)
6. Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Chemical Engineering Shizouka University, Japan (2005)
7. Director, CTECH Centre for Tomography Research, PT. EDWAR Tech , Tangerang (2008-Sekarang)
8. Visitor Senior Scientist, National Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry (RIKEN), Japan (2008-Sekarang)
9. Visiting Professor, Dept Of Chemical Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2008-Sekarang)
10. Visiting Professor, Dept Of Chemical and Biomolecular Rngineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2009)
11. Visiting Professor for Advance Studies, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Aktivitas lain
1. Ketua Umum Masyarakat Ilmuwan dan Teknologi Indonesia (2005-Sekarang)
2. Editor tamu/Reviewer jurnal Internasional IEEE Sonsor Journals (US), Measurement Scuence and technology (UK)
3. Anggota International Committee for Industrial Process Tomography
4. Pembimbing Tesis/tugas akhir FMIPA Fisika-UI
1. 100 Jurnal dan Publikasi Internasional
2. 7 Paten di Bidang Tomography dan teknologi ultrasonic (2 Jepang dan 5 Internasional, US)
3. Penemu Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT) Scanner Empat Dimensi (4D)
4. Merancang system ECVT untuk di install di Morgantown Energy laboratory, Departemen Energy Amerika Serikat.
5. Advance Technology Research Center, King Saud University Saudi Arabia.
6. Advance technology Research Center, University Malaya.
7. Ultrasonic Scanner untuk Tabung Gas Tekanan Tinggi (Tabung gas Busway) pertama di Indonesia.
Sumber :facebook.com/Dr.Warsito,M.Eng
English :
Dr. Warsito, M. Eng (World Class Scientist in Indonesia)
General Information
Dr. Warsito was one of "50 People" Youth Revolution (Gatra, Special Edition 2003), "10 a Changing of Indonesia" by Tempo magazine (Special Edition End of the Year in 2006) and was also selected as one of "100 People of the Resurrection of Indonesia" Version Slot Magazine (May 2008).
In the world of international academics, Dr. Warsito known as a pioneer in tomography technology, namely technology to scan a wide range of objects from the human body, chemical processing, petroleum industry, nuclear reactor hinga bowels of the earth. The most spectacular discovery was the tomographic volumetric 4D patented in the U.S. and international patent agencies PTO / WO 2006. Discovery technology has been used by NASA (United States Institute Antarikas) to scan the object dielektrika on the space shuttle during a mission into space. According to the journals published by the American Chemistry Society, the findings of Dr technology. Warsito expected to change drastically research and technological development of various fields of energy, chemical processing, medicine to nanotechnology.
Currently Dr. Warsito has built research centers and production systems of the world's first 4D tomography based in Tangerang, Banten. Product institutions were 100% manufactured in the country with the involvement of local scientists and has begun marketed in the United States (Refer to "Product of Tangerang in Ohio, Koran Tempo, October 2008)
In the field of organizational, Warsito is one of the founder and chairman of the Indonesian Society Science and Technology (MITI). During served as chairman since 2005 MITI, Dr. Warsito MITI has built a network throughout Indonesia and abroad, especially MITI-Student at approximately 50 campuses in 26 provinces throughout Indonesia. MITI launched the main program is to improve the quality of academic and research ability of Indonesian students, as well as assisting the development of human resources of Indonesian students.
Dr. Warsito was also active as a member of the Central Advisory Council (MPP), the Prosperous Justice Party in the Commission on Public Policy, one of which is directly responsible for designing and developing the MCC Development Platform for Economic Affairs. Economics is a field that they do both a self-taught since 1994.
1. SMAN 1 Karanganyar, Solo 1986
2. Tokyo International Japanese School, Tokyo 1988
3. Shizouka University, B. Eng, Chemical Engineering, 1992
4. Shizouka University, M. Eng, 1994
5. Shizouka University, Ph.D. in Electronic Science and Technology
Work Experience
1. Researcher, Satellite Venture Laboratory Businee Shizouka University, (1997-1999)
2. Lecturer, Graduate School of Engineering, Shizouka University, Japan (1997-1999)
3. Research Associate, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University, USA (1999-2006)
4. Graduate Lecturer, Mathematics and Science PHYSICS-UI, Jakarta (2005-Present)
5. Visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering (2005-Present)
6. Visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering Shizouka University, Japan (2005)
7. Director, CTECH Tomography Centre for Research, PT. Edwar Tech, FC (2008-Present)
8. Visitor Senior Scientist, National Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry (RIKEN), Japan (2008-Present)
9. Visiting Professor, Dept. Of Chemical Engineering, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2008-Present)
10. Visiting Professor, Dept. Of Chemical and Biomolecular Rngineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2009)
11. Visiting Professor for Advanced Studies, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Other Activities
1. Chairman of the Community Scientists and Technology of Indonesia (2005-Present)
2. Guest editor / Reviewer Sonsor IEEE International journal Journal (U.S.), Scuence Measurement and Technology (UK)
3. Members of the International Committee for Industrial Process Tomography
4. Supervising thesis / final project of Physics Science Faculty-UI
1. 100 International Journals and Publications
2. 7 Patents in the Field Tomography and ultrasonic technology (two Japanese and five International, U.S.)
3. Inventors Electrical capacitance volume tomography (ECVT) Scanner Four Dimensional (4D)
4. Designing systems to be installed in ECVT Morgantown Energy Laboratory, United States Department of Energy.
5. Advanced Technology Research Center, King Saud University in Saudi Arabia.
6. Advance technology Research Center, University of Malaya.
7. Ultrasonic Scanner for High Pressure Gas Tube (Gas Tube Busway), first in Indonesia.
Source: facebook.com / Dr.Warsito, M. Eng
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