Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Profil Saintis : Dr.Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si, Dosen Berprestasi 2010

Dr. Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si

Mikrajuddin Abdulah
Associate Professor
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Email Address: din[at]
Telephone: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 241
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1., Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992)
  2. Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1996)
  3. Doctor, Hiroshima University, Jepang (2002)

Career Profile:

  1. Faculty Member (lecturer) at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1994 - now)
  2. Postdoctoral Fellow (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Japan (2002-2004)

Research Interest:

  1. Sythesis of Nanomaterials (nanoparticles, carbon nanutuber, nanocomposites)
  2. Applocations of nanostructured materials (display, luminescent nano-ink, nanocatalyst, cosmetics, etc)
  3. Other interests in Physical Education (writting some books of physics for secondary and higher schools development of simple apparatus for physical demonstrations, etc.)

Profil Umum
Dosen di Program Studi Fisika FMIPA-ITB. S1(ITB), S2(ITB), S3(Hiroshima University, Japan), Research Student (Hiroshima University, Japan), Post Doctoral (Hiroshima University, Japan), Visiting Scientist (University of California, Irvine, USA dimenjadian Hiroshima University, Japan)

Kata - kata :
Mari kita berikan sumbangsih terbaik bagi bangsa ini, sekecil apa pun itu. Jangan mengeluh atas keterbatasan yang kita miliki. Mari kita jadikan keterbatasa sebagai pemicu kreativitas dan inovasi.Saya berkeyakinan bahwa hal-hal yang kita pandang sepele, bisa bermakna besar bagi orang lain. Jadi, mari kita sampaiakan kepada orang lain hal-hal yang kita anggap penting, sekecil apa pun itu. Tidak ada makna lebih apabila kita simpan itu hanya untuk diri sendiri.

Buku - buku :
1.Judul: Karakterisasi Material Struktur Nano: Teori, Penerapan, dan Pengolahan Data. Penulis: Dr. Mikrajuddin Abdullah dan Dr. Khairurrijal. Penerbit: Rezeki Putera, Bandung
Petunjuk Ringkas: Dari Penulisan Paper hingga Koreksi Proof
oleh Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si.

Karya ilmiah:

Abdullah, Mikrajuddin, Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal, Nuryadin, Bebeh W, Sustini, Euis

3.Very Wide Band Absorption of Sunlight Spectra using Titanium Dioxide Particles with Distributed Band Gap (2010)

Widi Yansen, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal

Salah satu posting :

Dr. Eng Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Pakar Nano Teknologi ITB

Sulap Air Danau Jadi Jernih dengan Alat Berenergi Matahari

Limbah pabrik dan domestik yang memenuhi sungai dan danau bisa sekejap jernih dan bersih. Aroma tak sedap yang keluar dari air Itu pun lenyap. Hanya dengan alat berenergi matahari yang ditemukan Dr. Eng Mikrajuddin Abdullah pakar nano teknologi; ITB. Seperti apa?D


PERSOALAN air kotor di sungai dan danau yang tercemar menjadi persoalan serius. Mulai pemberian sanksi bagi pelaku pencemaran, sampai kegiatan rutin membersihkan air sungai yang dilakukan berbagai kelompok sosial. Namun hasilnya belum juga optimal. Tapi, bagi

Dr. Eng Mikrajuddin Abdullah persoalan air kotor yang bikin mumet pemerintah daerah, bisa diselesaikan denga sederhana.

Air kotor yang tampak sulit ditangani itu mendadak begitu jernih dan dijamin bebas

bakteri. "Itu bukan hanya pada ukuran gelas saja. Satu danau yang luas berhektar-hektar bisa bersih dengan alat ini," ujar peraih gelar Doctor di Hiroshima University Jepang, 2002 itu.

Mikrajuddin Abdullah bersama dua rekannya ini berhasil menemukan alat pen jernih air. Dengan teori dasar, rusaknya air sungai dan danau itu dipicu tumbuhnya mikroba air dalam jumlah banyak. Mikroba itulah yang memicu air menjadi rusak dan berbau. "Kebanyakan pencemar air sungai adalah limbah organik yang bisa diurai." ungkapnya berteori. Dengan dasar teori itu, kata Mikra butuh alat yang mampu mengurai organik tersebut.

Tetapi harus berenergi murah dan gampang. Ditemukanlah penggunaan partikel titanium dioksida (TiO2) sebagai bahan utama. Menurutnya buhan kristal putih itu sangat mudah bereaksi di bawah sinar matahari. Elektron dan hole di dalamnya bekerja menghasilkan radikal bebas ion hidroksil dan anion super-
oksida. Di dalam air, keduanya memicu reaksi kimia yang disebut fotokatalisis.

"Hasilnya polutan organik itu menjadi gas atau senyawa lain yang ndak beracun." papar dia saat pemaparan Research Without Boundaries di kampus UI, kemarin. Kepala Labora; torium Sintesis dan Fungsionalisasi Nano-material ini juga menjelaskan metode yang sama telah diterapkan di Jepang, Australia, dan negara di Eropa sekitar tahun 2000. Hanya saja di negara maju itu masih ada persoalan. Yakni jenis titanium dan teknis menyebarkannya di sungai. "Serbuk TiO2 itu disebar di sungai yang tersinar matahari. Hasilnya terjadi reaksi dan air pun menjadi jernih," singkatnya menjelaskan teori pembersihan air dengan alatnya itu.

"Kita sudah uji di laboratorium air yang setelah diproses. Penyinaran itu butuh waktu sekitar 3-4 hari," terang pria yang dikenal kreatif itu. Teori pembersiahan air danau ini telah diuji di Danau Pulomas, Jakarta dengan hasil memuaskan. (*)

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http://facebook/Mikrajuddin Abdullah
Scientist Profile: Dr.Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M. Si, lecturer in 2010 Achievement

Dr. Eng. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si

Mikrajuddin Abdulah
Associate Professor
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
Email Address: din[at]
Telephone: +62(22) [2500834] xt: 241
Fax: +62 (22) [2506452]


  1., Institut Teknologi Bandung (1992)
  2. Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1996)
  3. Doctor, Hiroshima University, Jepang (2002)

Career Profile:

  1. Faculty Member (lecturer) at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (1994 - now)
  2. Postdoctoral Fellow (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Japan (2002-2004)

Research Interest:

  1. Sythesis of Nanomaterials (nanoparticles, carbon nanutuber, nanocomposites)
  2. Applocations of nanostructured materials (display, luminescent nano-ink, nanocatalyst, cosmetics, etc)
  3. Other interests in Physical Education (writting some books of physics for secondary and higher schools development of simple apparatus for physical demonstrations, etc.)
Public Profile
Lecturer in Science Faculty-Physics Studies Program of ITB. S1 (ITB), S2 (ITB), S3 (Hiroshima University, Japan), Research Student (Hiroshima University, Japan), Post Doctoral (Hiroshima University, Japan), Visiting Scientist (University of California, Irvine, USA dimenjadian Hiroshima University, Japan)

Words - words:
Let us give the best contribution to this nation, no matter how small it was. Do not complain of the limitations we have. Let's make keterbatasa as trigger creativity and inovasi.Saya believes that the things we consider trivial, can be significantly greater for others. So, let us sampaiakan to others the things we think are important, no matter how small it was. There are no more meaning if we keep it just for yourself.

Books :

1.Title: Karakterisasi Material Struktur Nano: Teori, Penerapan, dan Pengolahan Data. Writer: Dr. Mikrajuddin Abdullah dan Dr. Khairurrijal. Publishing : Rezeki Putera, Bandung
Petunjuk Ringkas: Dari Penulisan Paper hingga Koreksi Proof
by Mikrajuddin Abdullah, M.Si.

Paper / science journal :
1.Synthesis of Oxide Particles Using a Polymer-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis Reactor, and a Percolation Explanation of Particle Separation (2010)

Abdullah, Mikrajuddin, Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal, Nuryadin, Bebeh W, Sustini, Euis

2. Synthesis of Oxide Particles Using a Polymer-Assisted Spray Pyrolysis Reactor, and a Percolation Explanation of Particle Separation (2010)

Abdullah, Mikrajuddin, Khairurrijal, Khairurrijal, Nuryadin, Bebeh W, Sustini, Euis

3.Very Wide Band Absorption of Sunlight Spectra using Titanium Dioxide Particles with Distributed Band Gap (2010)

Widi Yansen, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, Khairurrijal

One of the posts:
Dr. Abdullah Mikrajuddin Eng, Expert Report of Nano Technology
10 Dec 2009

Water Magic by the Lake So Clear Energized Solar Tool

Factory and domestic waste that meets the rivers and lakes can be instantly clear and clean. Not tasty aroma that comes out of the water was gone. Only by means of solar energy which found Dr. Eng Abdullah Mikrajuddin nano technology experts; ITB. Like what? D


MATTERS dirty water in rivers and lakes are polluted to be a serious problem. Began imposing sanctions for the perpetrators of pollution, until the routine cleaning of river water by various social groups. But the result has not been optimal. But, for

Dr. Eng Abdullah Mikrajuddin dirty water problems that make mumet local governments, can be solved simple premises.

Dirty water which seems difficult to deal with it suddenly so clear and free guaranteed

bacteria. "It's not just the size of the glass. A wide lake acres can clean with this tool," said winning the title of Doctor in Hiroshima University in Japan, in 2002's.

Mikrajuddin Abdullah and two colleagues managed to find clear water pen tool. With the basic theory, damage to river water and lake water triggered the growth of microbes in large quantities. Microbes that's what triggered the water to be broken and smelly. "Most of the river water pollution is organic waste that can be parsed." said theorized. With the basic theory, said Mikra need a tool that can break down the organic.

But it must be cheap and easy energy. Was discovered the use of titanium dioxide particles (TiO2) as a main ingredient. According to harbor a white crystal was very easy to react in the sunlight. Electrons and holes in it to work to produce free radicals and hydroxyl ions and anions super-
oxide. In water, they trigger a chemical reaction called photocatalytic.

"The result of organic pollutants into gases or other compounds are not toxic." he said when exposure Without Boundaries Research on the UI campus, yesterday. Head Labora thorium Synthesis and functionalization of nano-materials is also explaining the same method has been applied in Japan, Australia and countries in Europe around the year 2000. It's just that in developed countries that still have problems. That kind of technical titanium and spread them on a river. "TiO2 powder was dispersed in the river that tersinar sun. The result is a reaction occurs and the water became clear," briefly explain the theory that the cleaning water with their equipment.

"We've tested in the laboratory water after processing. Irradiation it took about 3-4 days," explained the man who recognized that creative. Theory pembersiahan lake water was tested in Lake Pulomas, Jakarta, with satisfactory results. (*) Http://

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