STOCKHOLM, KOMPAS.com - Nobel Kimia 2010 yang diumumkan Rabu (6/10/2010) diberikan kepada tiga orang ilmuwan yang menemukan teknik merangkai atom-atom karbon yang disebut palladium-catalyzed cross coupling. Masing-masing bisa dikatakan lansia karena usianya yakni Richard Heck (79) dari AS, serta Ei-chi Negishi (75) dan Akira Suzuki (80) dari Jepang.
Ketiganya dianggap berjasa karena teknik temuannya merupakan salah satu metode terbaik yang banyak dipakai di berbagai industri saat ini dan masa depan. Pengikatan atom karbon banyak digunakan dari pembuatan obat hingga pembuatan layar komputer.
"Teknik tersebut memungkinkan para ahli kimia mengikat atom karbon, suatu tahapan kunci dalam proses pembuatan molekul-molekul kopleks. Metode mereka sekarang digunakan di dunia untuk produksi farmasi secara komersil, termasuk potenisnya untuk pembuatan obat kanker, dan molekul untuk membuat piranti elektronik," demikian pernyataan resmi yang dirilis Royal Academy Swedish of Sciences.
Terobosan tersebut tidak kalah tuanya dengan usia para ilmuwan tersebut karena sudah ditemukan sejak empat dekade lalu karena riset mereka sudah dimulai di taun 1960-an. Metode yang dikembangkan ketiga ilmuwan berhasil meniru molekul pembunuh kanker yang secara alami ditemukan pada spons di laut. Mereka juga mengembangkan antibiotik yang melawan bakteri resisten dan sejumlah obat komersial antara lain anti-infalamasi naproxen.
"Kalau dihitung tidak kurang dari 25 persen reaksi kimia di industri farmasi saat ini menggunakan metode mereka," ujar Claes Gustafsson, salah satu anggota komite Nobel. Teknik tersebut juga digunakan industri elektronika untuk membuat LED yang kini menjadi komponen pilihan untuk layar tipis.
Heck yang merupakan professor emeritius dari University of Delaware kini tinggadl di Filipina. Negishi merupakan profesor kimia di Purdue University dan Suzukui profesor dari Hokkaido University. Mereka akan berbagi hadiah sebesar 10 juta Kronor atau sekitar Rp 14 miliar.
sumber : http://sains.kompas.com/read/2010/10/06/23535451/Tiga.Lansia.Berbagi.Nobel.Kimia
Three Share Nobel Chemistry Elderly
From parked to the right, Akira Suzuki, Ei-ichi Negishi and Richard F. Heck.
STOCKHOLM, KOMPAS.com - Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010, which was announced on Wednesday (06/10/2010) awarded to three scientists who discovered the technique of carbon atoms composing the so-called palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling. Each can be said that the elderly because of age Richard Heck (79) from the U.S., and Negishi Ei-chi (75) and Akira Suzuki (80) from Japan.
All three are considered meritorious because the technique is one of finding the best method that is widely used in various industries today and the future. Binding of carbon atoms from the manufacture of drugs widely used to manufacture computer screens.
"The technique allows chemists binding carbon atom, a key stage in the process of making the molecules kopleks. Their methods are now used worldwide for commercial production of pharmaceuticals, including potenisnya for the manufacture of cancer drugs, and molecules to create electronic devices," according to official statement released by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The breakthrough did not lose his parents by the age of the scientists because it has been found since four decades ago because their research has already begun in the 1960s epidemic. The method developed by three scientists managed to mimic cancer killer molecules that are naturally found in marine sponges. They also develop antibiotics against resistant bacteria and a number of commercial drugs such as anti-infalamasi naproxen.
"If you counted no less than 25 percent of chemical reactions in the pharmaceutical industry is currently using them," said Claes Gustafsson, a member of the Nobel committee. The technique is also used in electronics industry to make the LED that is now the component of choice for thin screens.
Heck of a professor from the University of Delaware emeritius tinggadl now in the Philippines. Negishi is a chemistry professor at Purdue University and Suzukui professor of Hokkaido University. They will share a prize of 10 million Kronor, or about USD 14 billion.
source: http://sains.kompas.com/read/2010/10/06/23535451/Tiga.Lansia.Berbagi.Nobel.Kimia
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