STOCKHOLM, KOMPAS.com — Dua ilmuwan kelahiran Rusia, Andre Geim dan Konstantin Novoselov, mendapat penghargaan bergengsi Nobel Fisika atas terobosannya mengisolasi graphene, material paling kuat tetapi paling tipis di dunia, dengan cara mudah dan sederhana. Penemuan tersebut memungkinkan produksi graphene dengan murah untuk berbagai industri teknologi di masa depan.
Graphene merupakan sejenis serat karbon yang hanya disusun dari satu lapis atom karbon. Meski demikian, kekuatannya 100 kali lipat daripada baja. Graphene biasanya diisolasi dari grafit, yang digunakan dalam batang pensil. Namun, selama ini untuk melakukannya membutuhkan teknik yang rumit dan kompleks. Nah, kedua ilmuwan berhasil mengatasi masalah tersebut karena dapat mengisolasi graphene menggunakan selotip (Scotch tape).
Menurut komite Nobel Fisika dari Royal Swedish Academy of Science, penelitian graphene tersebut membuka potensi pengembangan satelit, pesawat, dan mobil masa depan dengan material yang sangat kuat tetapi ringan. Selain itu, wujud material yang transparan juga berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai layar sentuh, sel surya, dan komponen komputer yang lebih efisien.
"Ini punya potensi mengubah hidup Anda seperti halnya yang terjadi dengan plastik. Ini sungguh mengejutkan," ujar Geim, Selasa (5/10/2010). Graphene yang punya potensi sangat besar ternyata mudah dibuat dan mungkin dipakai secara massal di masa depan. Nobel Fisika semakin meyakinkan ilmuwan dan pelaku industri di seluruh dunia bahwa masa depan graphene sangat cerah. Selain graphene, kedua peneliti juga punya portofolio memelopori pengembangan material adhesif yang meniru kaki tokek untuk menempel kuat di berbagai jenis permukaan.
Meski sama-sama kelahiran Rusia, Geim (51) kini berkewarganegaraan Belanda dan mendapat gelar profesor dari Universitas Manchester, Inggris. Sementara itu, Novoselov (36) berkewarganegaraan ganda, Inggris dan Rusia. Keduanya mulai berkolaborasi saat di Belanda sebelum pindah ke Inggris dan sukses mengisolasi graphene pada tahun 2004. Buat Novoselov, penghargaan Nobel Fisika tergolong mengejutkan karena usianya masih sangat muda bahkan tercatat sebagai penerima Nobel termuda sejak tahun 1973.
Atas keberhasilannya mendapat penghargaan Nobel Fisika, kedua ilmuwan berhak menerima hadiah sebesar 10 juta Kronor atau sekitar Rp 14 miliar. Hadiah tersebut akan diberikan pada 10 Desember 2010 saat peringatan kematian Alfred Nobel yang menggagas dan mendanai penghargaan paling bergengsi di bidang sains ini.
sumber :http://sains.kompas.com/read/2010/10/05/23352437/Nobel.Fisika.Sorot.Masa.Depan.Graphene
Physics Nobel Highlight the Future "Graphene"

Professor Andre Geim (left) and Dr. Konstantin Novoselov in front of the University of Manchester, England, Tuesday (05/10/2010). Both were selected as recipients of Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 for breakthrough isolating graphene with a simple and inexpensive to use the main tool of duct tape.
STOCKHOLM, KOMPAS.com - Two Russian-born scientist, Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin, was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics for breakthrough isolating graphene, the strongest material but the thinnest in the world, with easy and simple way. The invention enables the production of graphene cheaply for a wide range of technology industries in the future.
Graphene is a kind of carbon fiber which is only composed of one layer of carbon atoms. However, its strength 100 times than steel. Graphene is usually isolated from graphite, used in pencils. However, all this time to do so requires a complicated and complex techniques. Well, the two scientists managed to overcome these problems because it can isolate the graphene using cellophane tape (Scotch tape).
According to the Nobel physics committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, the graphene research opens the potential development of satellites, airplanes, and cars the future with a very strong material but mild. In addition, the form of a transparent material is also potentially be used as touch screens, solar cells, and a more efficient computer components.
"This has the potential to change your life as was the case with plastic. This is really shocking," says Geim, Tuesday (05/10/2010). Graphene who have tremendous potential was easily made and may be used in bulk in the future. Physics Nobel increasingly convincing scientists and industry players around the world that graphene is very bright future. In addition to graphene, the two researchers also have a portfolio of pioneered the development of an adhesive material that mimics gecko feet to stick to strong in different types of surfaces.
Although both Russian-born, Geim (51) now Dutch citizen and holds a professor at the University of Manchester, England. Meanwhile, Novoselov (36) dual nationality, British and Russian. The two began collaborating while in the Netherlands before moving to England and successfully isolate graphene in 2004. Create Novoselov, quite surprising Physics Nobel Prize because of his age is still very young even listed as the youngest recipient of Nobel Prize since 1973.
For its success was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, the two scientists are entitled to receive a prize of 10 million Kronor, or about USD 14 billion. Prizes will be awarded on December 10, 2010 during the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel who initiate and fund the most prestigious awards in science this.
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