Oven microwave disebut-sebut memancarkan radiasi berbahaya karena menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik tingkat tinggi sebagai sumber panasnya. Lalu bagaimana dengan telepon seluler dan Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi (SUTET) jika kebetulan kita berumah di bawahnya? Simaklah penjelasan DR Rachmat W. Adi dari Departemen Fisika unit Fisika Medis FMIPA Universitas Indonesia berikut ini.
Microwave disinyalir menimbulkan gelombang elektromagnetik yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi, gelombang elektromagnetik tersebut tidak dapat tembus ke luar karena tertahan oleh tabung logam pada microwave sehingga tubuh pun aman dari paparan radiasi elektromagnetik.
Untuk lebih amannya, usahakan peralatan elektronik tersebut terpisah agak jauh dari tubuh pengguna. Lamanya kontak juga hendaknya diminimalkan.
Artinya, gunakan microwave hanya untuk keperluan tertentu yang mendesak seperti menghangatkan penganan. Tak kalah penting, ikuti petunjuk penggunaan dengan baik seperti yang tertera di buku manual.
Telepon seluler yang makin memasyarakat tak luput dari sorotan. Karena gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkannya mencapai 1,8 gigahertz, maka zona penggunaan HP yang menempel di bagian kepala menimbulkan kekhawatiran tersendiri. Bisakah gelombang elektromagnetik yang dipancarkannya menembus lapisan otak hingga suatu saat akan menimbulkan gangguan?
Berdasarkan penelitian terbaru di Denmark, pengguna HP tidak terbukti lebih rentan terkena kanker otak dibanding mereka yang bukan pengguna. Toh kecurigaan ini juga tidak dibarengi dengan kecenderungan meningkatnya populasi penderita kanker otak seiring dengan menjamurnya penggunaan ponsel akhir-akhir ini.
Namun diakui bahwa jika dipakai terlalu lama, ponsel umumnya akan menimbulkan efek panas. Ini disebabkan gelombang turun naik pada HP yang mengakibatkan kumpulan energi penyebab panas. Sama halnya bila kita menggosok-gosokkan tangan, maka kulit yang tergosok pasti akan terasa panas. Itulah sebabnya, jika terlalu lama menggunakan HP, telinga kita akan terasa panas. Bahkan ada yang mengalami bengkak di telinga akibat HP.
Karena itu, gunakan HP sewajarnya alias jangan terlalu lama. Kalaupun sibuk, sebaiknya gunakan handsfree agar jarak antara HP dengan kepala semakin jauh. Dengan demikian gelombang elektromagnetik yang ditimbulkannya pun bisa diminimalkan.
SUTET diduga kuat bisa menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pada masyarakat yang tinggal di bawahnya. Bermacam-macam gangguan dapat terjadi, dari leukemia, jantung, pusing, mual-mual dan sakit kepala. Betulkah demikian?
Secara teori SUTET yang banyak terdapat di tanah air relatif aman karena medan elektromagnetiknya hanya 50-60 kilohertz. Angka ini tentu tidak seberapa dibanding dengan kekuatan medan magnet komputer terbaru yang mencapai 3 gigahertz. Bahkan nilai ambang batas radiasi elektromagnetik kebanyakan SUTET di tanah air sangatlah kecil. Rata-rata di bawah 5 KV/m atau di bawah nilai ambang batas WHO.
Lagi pula keluhan masyarakat yang tinggal di bawah jaringan SUTET pun harus dibuktikan secara sahih lewat penelitian lengkap dan menyeluruh. Penelitian ini semestinya melibatkan ribuan orang di dalam dan di luar negeri. Lamanya penelitian idealnya tak hanya dalam hitungan bulan, melainkan bertahun-tahun. Nah, dari studi intensif semacam itulah baru dapat dibuktikan benarkah SUTET dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab leukemia seperti yang dituduhkan selama ini.
Yang harus digarisbawahi pula, sangat sedikit kelompok masyarakat yang tinggal berdekatan atau langsung di bawah SUTET. Padahal harus diperhitungkan pula bahwa semakin jauh masyarakat tinggal dari area SUTET akan semakin kecil pula risiko yang ditimbulkan gelombang elektromagnetik.
Akan tetapi jika masyarakat masih meragukan keamanan SUTET, mereka bisa membangun rumah yang terlindung dari radiasi elektromagnetik. Rumah yang dimaksud adalah rumah yang pada bagian penyangga dan lantainya dilapisi logam. Tak ubahnya seperti sangkar Faraday, rumah tersebut tak mampu ditembus gelombang elektromagnetik. Hanya saja bila cara ini yang ditempuh, si penghuni rumah tidak bisa menikmati siaran radio kecuali bila antenanya dipasang di luar rumah.
Siapa sangka kabel listrik yang bukan merupakan barang asing di rumah mengandung zat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. DR. rer. nat. Budiawan menjelaskan, kabel listrik mengandung campuran logam dan zat berbahaya. Terutama pembungkus kabel yang umumnya terbuat dari karet alami, karet sintetik atau yang akrab disebut polimer sintetik. Bahan buatan ini dianggap cocok digunakan sebagai pelindung karena daya hantar panasnya sangat buruk, sehingga orang bebas memegang kabel tanpa takut kena setrum.
Sayangnya, beberapa polimer sintetik yang dikenal saat ini memiliki kandungan zat-zat yang berisiko merusak kesehatan, di antaranya Poly Vinyl Chlorida (PVC) dan Vinyl Chlorida. Tak jarang pula bahan polimer ini masih dicampur dengan logam yang memiliki daya hantar panas yang buruk, antara lain timbel/Plumbum (Pb).
Bahaya kabel akan muncul lewat proses pembakaran dan pemanasan. Pembakaran kabel, apa pun jenis kabelnya, akan menyebabkan zat-zat berbahaya yang terkandung dalam polimer tersebut ikut menguap ke udara. Nah, kalau udara beracun ini terhirup orang-orang di sekitarnya tentu akan menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Sementara besar-kecilnya gangguan yang muncul tergantung pada seberapa banyak udara beracun yang dihirup.
Gejala-gejala keracunan akan muncul jika kadar racun yang dihirup sudah melewati ambang batas. Antara lain mual-mual, kepala pusing, dan muntah.
Saat terjadi kebakaran, contohnya, bahaya bukan hanya muncul dari nyala api, melainkan juga asap yang mengandung berbagai zat racun yang keluar dari kabel, plastik dan paralon yang ikut terbakar. Tak heran, jika banyak korban kebakaran yang meninggal bukan karena api itu sendiri, melainkan karena asap.
Selain itu, arus listrik bisa menyebabkan kabel yang dilaluinya meleleh, terurai dan kandungan zat-zatnya menguap. Ini bisa dideteksi dari bau khas yang muncul akibat pemanasan tersebut. Dampak merugikan boleh jadi memang tidak langsung terasa saat itu juga, melainkan lambat laun dalam jangka panjang uap beracun tadi akan terakumulasi dalam tubuh. Efek kronis ini akan semakin mudah dirasa jika orang yang kebetulan menghirupnya memiliki gangguan pernapasan seperti asma.
Direktur Pustaka Kajian Risiko Keselamatan Lingkungan FMIPA Universitas Indonesia ini menegaskan, penjelasannya tidak bertujuan menakut-nakuti masyarakat luas, apalagi sampai fobia terhadap kabel. Menurutnya, sepanjang tidak menjadi panas dan tidak terbakar, kabel aman-aman saja kok digunakan.
* Sedapat mungkin, pilihlah kabel yang aman. Bisa dilihat dari komposisi kabel yang tidak mengandung zat berbahaya tadi. Amati juga apakah kabel tersebut sudah lulus uji standar internasional dari kode SII (Standar Industri Indonesia) atau SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia).
* Bahaya tidaknya suatu bahan tergantung pada dua hal. Pertama, frekuensi kontak manusia dengan paparan zat kimia tersebut. Semakin sering, semakin berisiko. Kedua, mekanisme kontaknya seperti apa. Untuk bahaya kabel, contohnya, kontak dengan racun yang muncul akibat pemanasan tentu berbeda bahayanya dibanding akibat pembakaran.
* Saat memotong atau menyambung kabel, gunakan alat khusus pemotong kabel. Jangan sekali-kali memanfaatkan api karena bisa menyebabkan pembakaran dan menguapkan bahan-bahan beracun yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Tak sedikit pipa paralon yang mengandung Poly Vinyl Chlorida (PVC), yang disinyalir memiliki efek negatif terhadap kesehatan. Berbeda dengan kabel, PVC yang terdapat pada pipa paralon bisa mengelupas akibat gerusan air yang mengalir melaluinya, sehingga air tersebut tercemar. "Penelitian di luar negeri menyebutkan, air yang disalurkan melalui pipa PVC berisiko terkontaminasi racun PVC. Sementara air minum yang sudah tercemar PVC ini bila masuk ke dalam tubuh akan menumpuk yang kemudian akan memperbesar risiko terkena kanker hati," kata Budi.
Sayangnya, penelitian ini mesti dibuktikan lebih lanjut, apalagi di tanah air hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian tentang dampak penggunaan pipa paralon ber-PVC terhadap gangguan kesehatan.
Melamin mengandung senyawa kimia yang cukup berbahaya, yaitu formaldehid. Senyawa yang tahan panas ini dipilih karena dianggap sangat cocok digunakan sebagai wadah makanan panas ataupun digunakan dalam microwave. Padahal air atau makanan yang tersimpan di dalamnya akan terkontaminasi oleh formaldehid. Terlebih jika melamin tersebut berkualitas buruk demi "mengejar" harga jual yang relatif murah.
Pengguna yang mengonsumsi makanan atau minuman yang sudah terkontaminasi melamin, lambat laun dalam jangka panjang amat berpeluang terkena penyakit kanker. Namun, seberapa besar peluang tersebut masih perlu dibuktikan lebih jauh melalui berbagai penelitian. Itulah mengapa, "Saat ini kami sedang bekerjasama dengan YLKI untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai dampak penggunaan alat-alat makan berbahan melamin terhadap kesehatan," tambah Budi.
* Sebaiknya hindari pemakaian perkakas makan berbahan melamin. Kalaupun bersikukuh ingin menggunakannya, pilihlah yang berkualitas yang umumnya mengandung komponen lain sebagai pelindung agar formaldehid tidak gampang terkelupas.
* Melamin yang baru dibeli jangan langsung dipakai, melainkan dicuci dulu sebanyak tiga kali dengan sabun untuk menghilangkan formaldehid yang menempel di bagian luar perkakas.
* Sebaiknya jangan menggunakan perabot melamin untuk wadah makanan panas. Ini perlu diperhatikan agar senyawa formaldehid dalam melamin tidak terurai lalu terbawa masakan panas tadi.
Saeful Imam. Foto: Iman/NAKITA
sumber : http://www.mail-archive.com/ne@news.gramedia-majalah.com/msg00352.html
Microwave ovens emit radiation mention dangerous because it uses high levels of electromagnetic waves as a source of heat. And what about cell phones and High Voltage Channel (etc) if we happen to reside in the bottom? Consider the explanation DR Rachmat W. Adi from the Department of Physics, State University Medical Physics units Indonesia following.
Microwave electromagnetic waves that allegedly caused substantial. However, these electromagnetic waves can not penetrate to the outside because it was blocked by the metal tube in the microwave so that the body also safe from exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
For more safe, try to separate the electronic equipment some distance from the user's body. Length of exposure also should be minimized.
That is, use the microwave only for certain purposes, such as warm snacks urgent. No less important, follow the instructions for use with either as they are listed in the manual.
Cell phone
Cellular telephones are increasingly popular in the community did not escape the spotlight. Because the electromagnetic waves reaching 1.8 gigahertz dipancarkannya, then use HP's stick zone in the head cause concern in itself. Can dipancarkannya electromagnetic waves penetrate the layer of the brain until eventually it will cause interference?
Based on the latest research in the Danish mobile users are not proven to be more susceptible to brain cancer than those who were not users. Nor does this suspicion nonetheless coupled with a tendency towards increased brain cancer patient population along with the proliferation of cell phone use in recent years.
But recognized that if used too long, the phone will generally lead to thermal effects. This caused a wave of ups and downs on the HP which resulted in a collection of causes of heat energy. Similarly, if we rub the hands, the skin will feel hot tergosok. That is why, if too long use the HP, our ears will feel hot. There's even an experienced swelling in the ear caused by HP.
Therefore, use HP duly aka do not be too long. Even so busy, you should use hands-free so that the distance between the head of HP's more distant. Thus, the resulting electromagnetic waves can be minimized.
SUTET allegedly can cause health problems in people living underneath. Various disorders can occur, from leukemia, heart, dizziness, nausea and headaches. Am I correct that?
In theory, etc are widely available in the ground water is relatively safe because the electromagnetic field is only 50-60 kilohertz. This figure is certainly not much compared with the latest computer magnetic field strength of about 3 gigahertz. Even the threshold value of electromagnetic radiation in the ground water most of the lines is very small. Average below 5 KV / m or below the WHO threshold values.
Besides complaints of society who live below the lines network also must be proven valid through complete and thorough research. This research should involve thousands of people inside and outside the country. The duration of the study should ideally not only in a matter of months, but for many years. Well, that's kind of a new intensive study can be proven true that the lines may be one cause of leukemia as charged so far.
That must be underlined also, very few groups of people who live near or directly under the lines. Where it should be taken into account also that the farther people lived from the area, etc will be the lesser risks associated with electromagnetic waves.
But if people still doubted the security of the lines, they could build houses that are protected from electromagnetic radiation. Houses in question is a house in the buffer and the floor was coated with metal. Faraday cages are like, the house was unable to penetrate the electromagnetic wave. Only when this is taken, the occupants of the house can not enjoy the radio broadcasts unless the antenna is installed outside the home.

Who would have thought that the power cord is not a stranger in the home goods contain substances harmful to health. DR. rer. nat. Budiawan explains, electric cable containing mixtures of metals and hazardous substances. Especially the cable wrapping, which generally made from natural rubber, synthetic rubber or a synthetic polymer called familiar. These artificial materials are considered suitable for use as protective as the heat conductivity is very bad, so people are free without fear of a cable holding taxable stun.
Unfortunately, some synthetic polymers known today contain substances that are at risk of health damage, including Hydrochloric Poly Vinyl (PVC) Hydrochloric and Vinyl. Not infrequently these polymeric materials are also mixed with a metal that has poor thermal conductivity, among others, lead / Plumbum (Pb).
Danger will emerge through the process of cable burning and heating. Burning of cables, whatever type of cord, will cause dangerous substances contained in the polymer are joined evaporates into the air. Now, if the air is inhaled toxic people around him will certainly cause health problems. While large-small disturbance that appears depends on how much inhaled the poisonous air.
Symptoms of poisoning will appear if the toxicity of inhaled already exceeded the threshold. Among others, nausea, headache, and vomiting.
When there is a fire, for example, the danger is not only emerged from the flame, but also smoke containing various toxic substances out of the cable, plastic and burned paralon participating. No wonder, if many fire victims who died not because the fire itself but from the smoke.
In addition, the electrical current path could cause the wires to melt, decompose and substance-substance evaporates. This can be detected from the peculiar odor that arise due to such warming. Adverse effects may indeed not directly felt on the spot, but gradually in the long term toxic vapors will accumulate in your body earlier. Chronic effects of this will be more easily perceived if the person has a chance to breathe it like asthma, respiratory disorders.
Director of Environmental Safety Risk Assessment of Library Science, State University of Indonesia is confirmed, the explanation does not aim to frighten the public, especially to the phobia of wires. According to him, as they are not into heat and not burn, cable's all perfectly safe to use.
* To the extent possible, choose a secure cable. Can be seen from the composition of the cables that do not contain harmful substances earlier. Also observe whether the cable has passed the test of international standards of the code of SII (Indonesian Industrial Standard) or SNI (Indonesian National Standard).
* Danger whether or not a material depends on two things. First, the frequency of human contact with exposure to these chemicals. More often, the more risky. Second, what kind of ignition mechanism. To hazard a cable, for example, contact with the poison that emerged due to the dangers of warming is different than the result of arson.
* When cutting or connecting cables, cable cutters use special tools. Never use a fire because it can cause burning and evaporation of toxic materials contained therein.
PIPE paralon
Not a few pipes that contain Poly Vinyl paralon Hydrochloric (PVC), which is suppose to have a negative effect on health. Unlike cable, PVC pipes contained in the peeling effect can paralon scour the flowing water through it, so the water is contaminated. "The study abroad mention, water distributed through PVC pipes at risk of contamination by toxic PVC. While drinking water is contaminated with PVC when entering into the body will accumulate, which then increases the risk of liver cancer," said Budi.
Unfortunately, this study should be further verified, especially in the homeland until now there has been no research on the impact of using PVC pipe paralon her on health problems.
Melamine is a chemical compound containing a fairly dangerous, namely formaldehyde. Heat-resistant compounds that are chosen because they are considered very suitable for use as containers of hot food or used in the microwave. Whereas water or food stored in it will be contaminated by formaldehyde. Especially if melamine is of poor quality for the sake of "chasing" a relatively cheap price.
Users who consume foods or beverages that have been contaminated with melamine, gradually in the long term is very likely cancer. However, how big the opportunity is still need further evidenced through various research. That's why, "We are currently working with YLKI to do research on the impact of the use of cutlery made of melamine on health," said Budi.
* We recommend that you avoid the use of eating utensils made of melamine. Even so adamant want to use it, choose a quality that generally contain other components as the protector of formaldehyde is not easy to peel.
* Melamine newly purchased do not directly used, but once washed three times with soap to remove formaldehyde attached on the outside of the tool.
* We recommend that you do not use melamine furniture for hot food container. It should be noted that in the melamine formaldehyde compound does not decompose and hot dishes were carried away.
Saeful Imam. Photos: Faith / Nakita
source: @ news.gramedia-majalah.com/msg00352.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ne
sumber : http://www.mail-archive.com/ne@news.gramedia-majalah.com/msg00352.html
Microwave ovens emit radiation mention dangerous because it uses high levels of electromagnetic waves as a source of heat. And what about cell phones and High Voltage Channel (etc) if we happen to reside in the bottom? Consider the explanation DR Rachmat W. Adi from the Department of Physics, State University Medical Physics units Indonesia following.
Microwave electromagnetic waves that allegedly caused substantial. However, these electromagnetic waves can not penetrate to the outside because it was blocked by the metal tube in the microwave so that the body also safe from exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
For more safe, try to separate the electronic equipment some distance from the user's body. Length of exposure also should be minimized.
That is, use the microwave only for certain purposes, such as warm snacks urgent. No less important, follow the instructions for use with either as they are listed in the manual.
Cell phone
Cellular telephones are increasingly popular in the community did not escape the spotlight. Because the electromagnetic waves reaching 1.8 gigahertz dipancarkannya, then use HP's stick zone in the head cause concern in itself. Can dipancarkannya electromagnetic waves penetrate the layer of the brain until eventually it will cause interference?
Based on the latest research in the Danish mobile users are not proven to be more susceptible to brain cancer than those who were not users. Nor does this suspicion nonetheless coupled with a tendency towards increased brain cancer patient population along with the proliferation of cell phone use in recent years.
But recognized that if used too long, the phone will generally lead to thermal effects. This caused a wave of ups and downs on the HP which resulted in a collection of causes of heat energy. Similarly, if we rub the hands, the skin will feel hot tergosok. That is why, if too long use the HP, our ears will feel hot. There's even an experienced swelling in the ear caused by HP.
Therefore, use HP duly aka do not be too long. Even so busy, you should use hands-free so that the distance between the head of HP's more distant. Thus, the resulting electromagnetic waves can be minimized.
In theory, etc are widely available in the ground water is relatively safe because the electromagnetic field is only 50-60 kilohertz. This figure is certainly not much compared with the latest computer magnetic field strength of about 3 gigahertz. Even the threshold value of electromagnetic radiation in the ground water most of the lines is very small. Average below 5 KV / m or below the WHO threshold values.
Besides complaints of society who live below the lines network also must be proven valid through complete and thorough research. This research should involve thousands of people inside and outside the country. The duration of the study should ideally not only in a matter of months, but for many years. Well, that's kind of a new intensive study can be proven true that the lines may be one cause of leukemia as charged so far.
That must be underlined also, very few groups of people who live near or directly under the lines. Where it should be taken into account also that the farther people lived from the area, etc will be the lesser risks associated with electromagnetic waves.
But if people still doubted the security of the lines, they could build houses that are protected from electromagnetic radiation. Houses in question is a house in the buffer and the floor was coated with metal. Faraday cages are like, the house was unable to penetrate the electromagnetic wave. Only when this is taken, the occupants of the house can not enjoy the radio broadcasts unless the antenna is installed outside the home.
Who would have thought that the power cord is not a stranger in the home goods contain substances harmful to health. DR. rer. nat. Budiawan explains, electric cable containing mixtures of metals and hazardous substances. Especially the cable wrapping, which generally made from natural rubber, synthetic rubber or a synthetic polymer called familiar. These artificial materials are considered suitable for use as protective as the heat conductivity is very bad, so people are free without fear of a cable holding taxable stun.
Unfortunately, some synthetic polymers known today contain substances that are at risk of health damage, including Hydrochloric Poly Vinyl (PVC) Hydrochloric and Vinyl. Not infrequently these polymeric materials are also mixed with a metal that has poor thermal conductivity, among others, lead / Plumbum (Pb).
Danger will emerge through the process of cable burning and heating. Burning of cables, whatever type of cord, will cause dangerous substances contained in the polymer are joined evaporates into the air. Now, if the air is inhaled toxic people around him will certainly cause health problems. While large-small disturbance that appears depends on how much inhaled the poisonous air.
Symptoms of poisoning will appear if the toxicity of inhaled already exceeded the threshold. Among others, nausea, headache, and vomiting.
When there is a fire, for example, the danger is not only emerged from the flame, but also smoke containing various toxic substances out of the cable, plastic and burned paralon participating. No wonder, if many fire victims who died not because the fire itself but from the smoke.
In addition, the electrical current path could cause the wires to melt, decompose and substance-substance evaporates. This can be detected from the peculiar odor that arise due to such warming. Adverse effects may indeed not directly felt on the spot, but gradually in the long term toxic vapors will accumulate in your body earlier. Chronic effects of this will be more easily perceived if the person has a chance to breathe it like asthma, respiratory disorders.
Director of Environmental Safety Risk Assessment of Library Science, State University of Indonesia is confirmed, the explanation does not aim to frighten the public, especially to the phobia of wires. According to him, as they are not into heat and not burn, cable's all perfectly safe to use.
* To the extent possible, choose a secure cable. Can be seen from the composition of the cables that do not contain harmful substances earlier. Also observe whether the cable has passed the test of international standards of the code of SII (Indonesian Industrial Standard) or SNI (Indonesian National Standard).
* Danger whether or not a material depends on two things. First, the frequency of human contact with exposure to these chemicals. More often, the more risky. Second, what kind of ignition mechanism. To hazard a cable, for example, contact with the poison that emerged due to the dangers of warming is different than the result of arson.
* When cutting or connecting cables, cable cutters use special tools. Never use a fire because it can cause burning and evaporation of toxic materials contained therein.
PIPE paralon
Not a few pipes that contain Poly Vinyl paralon Hydrochloric (PVC), which is suppose to have a negative effect on health. Unlike cable, PVC pipes contained in the peeling effect can paralon scour the flowing water through it, so the water is contaminated. "The study abroad mention, water distributed through PVC pipes at risk of contamination by toxic PVC. While drinking water is contaminated with PVC when entering into the body will accumulate, which then increases the risk of liver cancer," said Budi.
Unfortunately, this study should be further verified, especially in the homeland until now there has been no research on the impact of using PVC pipe paralon her on health problems.
Melamine is a chemical compound containing a fairly dangerous, namely formaldehyde. Heat-resistant compounds that are chosen because they are considered very suitable for use as containers of hot food or used in the microwave. Whereas water or food stored in it will be contaminated by formaldehyde. Especially if melamine is of poor quality for the sake of "chasing" a relatively cheap price.
Users who consume foods or beverages that have been contaminated with melamine, gradually in the long term is very likely cancer. However, how big the opportunity is still need further evidenced through various research. That's why, "We are currently working with YLKI to do research on the impact of the use of cutlery made of melamine on health," said Budi.
* We recommend that you avoid the use of eating utensils made of melamine. Even so adamant want to use it, choose a quality that generally contain other components as the protector of formaldehyde is not easy to peel.
* Melamine newly purchased do not directly used, but once washed three times with soap to remove formaldehyde attached on the outside of the tool.
* We recommend that you do not use melamine furniture for hot food container. It should be noted that in the melamine formaldehyde compound does not decompose and hot dishes were carried away.
Saeful Imam. Photos: Faith / Nakita
source: @ news.gramedia-majalah.com/msg00352.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ne
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