Ahli Fisika Bangunan Akustik, Prof. R. M. Soegijanto: Menekuni Jejak Guru
Bidang inilah yang ditekuni salah seorang profesor senior di ITB, Prof.Dr.Ir.R.M.Soegijanto.
“Saya menekuni bidang fisika bangunan akustik sejak tahun 60-an...,” ujar Soegijanto kepada itb.ac.id di kantonya. Karena serius menekuni Fisika Bangunan Akustik, maka tak heran jika sang profesor karirnya melesat. Berbagai penelitian tentang akustik desain ruangan, lingkungan thermal dan visual, juga sistem bunyi telah banyak dilakukannya.
Diakui dunia Internasional
Prof. Soegijanto masuk ITB - waktu itu masih bernama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia- tahun 1956 jurusan Teknik Fisika. Setelah lulus, melanjutkan ke Purdue University, USA, jurusan teknik fisika dan listrik (setahun) dan University of New South Wales, Australia, bidang Fisika Bangunan (setahun).Meraih gelar doktor dari ITB bidang fisika bangunan. Keahliannya diakui dunia Internasional, Universitas Teknologi Malaysia, misalnya, pernah meminta dirinya sebagai pemeriksa theses program Ph.D dan master. Pernah juga diminta me-review tulisan yang masuk ke Journal Acoustical Society of America,atas permintaan Dr.Mendel Kleiner dari Chalmers University of Technology,Swedia.
Pria ramah dan apik ketika bicara ini, lahir tahun 1938, mengaku memilih bidang tersebut karena banyak aplikasi langsung yang bisa diterapkan di masyarakat. Salah satu wujud nyata, ia konsultan akustik desain bangunan Usmar Ismail Hall, Jakarta, yang diresmikan Juni 2006. Keunikan bangunan ini dilihat dari multifungsinya, yaitu dapat digunakan untuk konser dan bioskop.
“Padahal itu merupakan dua hal yang memerlukan kondisi akustik yang berlainan,” katanya.
Keunikan lainnya konser tidak perlu menggunakan pengeras suara, suara musik dan penyanyi dapat didengar dengan jelas tanpa penguatan elektronik.Musik klasik yang yang kadang menampilkan suara lemah sekali, bahkan, masih dapat terdengar dengan jelas. Orkestra twilight pimpinan Ade MS yang tampil pada acara peresmian gedung cukup puas dengan bangunan berkapasitas 500 orang itu.
Menekuni jejak guru
Di usianya yang sudah 69, penggemar travelling ini masih terlihat sehat dan energetik. Profesor dari ITB ini masih membimbing mahasiswa S1,S2,S3 tingkat akhir, ia tetap menjalankan Tridharma perguruan tinggi, yaitu pendidikan,penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat. Bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya, tetap membantu masyarakat sesuai dengan keahliannya,dan mendorong yang muda untuk bisa meneruskan apa yang telah dirintis oleh yang tua adalah hal yang akan terus dijalankan. Ia ingin meneruskan apa yang telah dilakukan Prof.Ir.M.U.Adhiwijogo (Alm.), pendiri Teknik Fisika ITB yang juga dosen pembimbingnya, dalam hal pengabdian, penelitian dan pendidikan.
“Beliau sebagai seorang pendidik, berdedikasi tinggi, ramah pada setiap orang, menghargai orang lain, dan membimbing terhadap yang muda,” kesannya.
Building Acoustics Physicist, Professor. R. M. Soegijanto: pursue Impressions TeachersHearing the word "acoustic", of course, our minds fixed on the music genre, rada-rada classic high artistic value and inviting fantasy. Familiar and friendly on the ears. But, of course, works of art is not limited to music only, model construction was in desperate need of a touch of art. However, alloys of other sciences, physics for example. So, be a "physics of building acoustics."
This field occupied a senior professor at the ITB, Prof.Dr.Ir.RMSoegijanto.
"I pursue the field of building physics acoustics since the 60s ...," said Soegijanto to itb.ac.id in kantonya. Because serious in Building Physics Acoustics, would not be surprised if the professor's career shot. Various studies on acoustic room design, thermal and visual environment, the sound system also has a lot to do.
Recognized Internationally
Prof. Soegijanto signed ITB - then still called the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia in 1956 majoring in Engineering Physics. After graduation, went to Purdue University, USA, majoring in physics and electrical engineering (one year) and the University of New South Wales, Australia, in Physics Building (one year). He holds a doctorate from the ITB physics building. His expertise is recognized internationally, the University Technology Malaysia, for example, never asking himself as inspectors master's theses and Ph.D. programs. Never were also asked to review papers that enter the Acoustical Society of America Journal, at the request Dr.Mendel Kleiner from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Men friendly and neat when it comes to this, born in 1938, admitted chose that field because a lot of applications that can be applied directly in the community. One of the real form, he is building design acoustics consultant Usmar Ismail Hall, Jakarta, which was inaugurated in June 2006. The uniqueness of this building is seen from multifungsinya, which can be used for concerts and cinema.
"In fact it is two things that require different acoustic conditions," he said.
Another uniqueness of the concert does not need to use loudspeakers, the sound of music and singers can be heard clearly without strengthening elektronik.Musik classic that sometimes displays very weak voice, in fact, still can be heard clearly. Twilight Orchestra leader Ade MS who performed at the building dedication ceremony was content with building capacity of 500 people.
Trace pursue teacher
At the age of 69, this traveling fans still look healthy and energetic. Professor of ITB is still guiding students S1, S2, S3 final level, he still runs Tridharma universities, namely education, research, and community service. Working with the best, continue to assist the community in accordance with their expertise, and encourage the young to be able to continue what has been pioneered by the parents is what will continue to run. He wanted to continue what has been done Prof.Ir.MUAdhiwijogo (the late), founder of Engineering Physics ITB adviser and lecturer, in terms of dedication, research and education.
"He is as an educator, dedicated, friendly to everyone, respecting others, and guide to the young," his impression.
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